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7 May 2013

REST endpoint for Jaspersoft Query Executor

Filed under: JasperReports Server — Tags: , , , — mdahlman @ 10:58

Show me the data

Often, usually, nearly-always I want my report server to give me a nicely formatted view of my data. A “report”. But not always. Sometimes I just want my data. I’ll format it myself, thank you. JasperReports Server can do that, but I had never done it before. Here are my notes from figuring it out.


  • JasperReports Server v5.1 or later is installed and working.
  • A data source and a domain are defined.
  • I have at least one query written to get started with.
  • (If you just want to follow along, you can use the sample domain included with JRS and the sample query provided below.)
  • A REST Client for testing. Use whatever you like. I recommend Advanced REST Client (a Chrome plugin).

Construct the URL

Here is the basic structure of the URL we need to create:


In my case I’ll use the sample domain “Supermart Domain”. The URI path is “/public/Samples/Domains/supermartDomain”

Domain URI path

The domain URI path is part of its properties

I constructed a simple query using the Domain Expression Language (domEL) syntax. Refer to the JasperReports Server User Guide for details. Here’s the query in readable form:

    <queryField id="inv_store.inv_store__store_name" />
    <queryField id="inv_store.inv_store__store_type" />
    <queryField id="inv_store__store_contact.inv_store__store_contact__store_manager" />
  <queryFilterString>inv_store__region.inv_store__region__sales_state_province == 'CA'</queryFilterString>

Here’s the same query with spaces and carriage returns removed and url encoded:


With the domain and the query identified, now I have everything I need to construct the url:


I’m ignoring authentication. For a quick test you can first login to JRS, then paste in this url. You’ll get a response in the default format: XML. Refer to the JasperReports Server Web Service Guide for details on how to securely authenticate programmatically.

Show me the data

But I want JSON rather than XML. No problem; I just add the header “Accept: application/json” to my request. Now my result set comes back in JSON.

This screenshot from the Advanced Rest Client shows the added header and the JSON result set.

This screenshot from the Advanced Rest Client shows the added header and the JSON result set.

Why is this cool? Now I have complete flexibility to render the data as I like, but I still get the benefits of the report server:

  • Security: I’ll only see the data that I should see)
  • Scalability: JRS does intelligent data caching
  • Consistency: I’ll continue to use the same data source for most of my data visualizations which get rendered as reports on the server.

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